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Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold Guests Frank Jameson and Brandon Clark

A Reflection on OJ Simpson, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman (Unscripted)

Since the death of OJ Simpson, we reflect through three different generations on the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman and things we missed in the 1990s and what we have learned since the "trial of the century".

Episode S53/269

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold Guest Frank Jameson and Francine Dash

Taxes, What They Are and How They Work

According to a poll from the University of Chicago and the Associated Press, only 2 out of 10 Americans say they understand local property tax, one out of 4 say they understand federal income tax, and only 3 out of 10 understand sales tax. So this episode is going to be a very mini primer on taxes. One that, hopefully, gets you to think a little bit deeper about the your money and the part you give to your government.

    This is Smart Politix! I’m your host, Anthony Arnold. And for this episode I’m joined, (once again), by…

    It’s the end of tax season! That 3 month stretch that happens every year where hundreds of millions of Americans sit down and crunch numbers. Unless you’re a tech savvy person, in which case all you might have to do is take a few photos, and let the phone handle the rest.

    Whatever method you use, it’s something we all deal with. Like Benjamin Franklin said, “...in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

    According to a poll from the University of Chicago and the Associated Press, only 2 out of 10 Americans say they understand local property tax, one out of 4 say they understand federal income tax, and only 3 out of 10 understand sales tax.

    So even as we deal with the consequences of tax policy every day, most of us admit that we don’t understand how taxes work.

    If you’re anything like me, then I’m guessing you’ve looked at your cell phone bill and wondered “What the hell is this tax for?”

    But it’s not totally a laughing matter.

    I don’t think every voter needs to become an H&R Block certified tax expert. But I do think we need to collectively raise our knowledge. Especially if you’re someone like me, who has an economic position that leans left. Because good policy can’t flow from collective ignorance.

    So this episode is going to be a very mini primer on taxes. One that, hopefully, gets you to think a little bit deeper about the topic.

    Now because we’re dealing with a topic that’s way nerdier than normal this episode will have more structure than is typical..

    There are gonna be two blocks. In each block we’ll be comparing taxes in the United States to taxes in Sweden. I chose Sweden because it’s always held up as a model of progressive taxation, and it’s very different from ours.

    The first block will focus on income tax. The second will focus on sales tax.

    Like I said, we’re diving into the weeds for this episode. But if you stick with us, I think you’ll find there’s a lot to learn.

    Let’s Begin.

Episode S52/266

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold Guest Frank Jameson and Francine Dash

Big Pharma & Infinity Drugs

Pharma companies aren't known for putting patients first. Abusing the patent system to increase profits at the expense of patients. Paying doctors in the hopes of driving more sales to patients, a practice that’s alive and well with Ozempic by the way. Everything involving the opioid crisis. Which may not be all their fault, but last year 112,000 Americans died from fatal overdoses, and their greed and lack of responsibility is partly to blame. But even with all that being known, we’re still quick to trust the next “miracle drug.”

Episode S51/262

    This is Smart Politix! I’m your host, Anthony Arnold. Joining me today are…

    So I think it’s safe to assume that most of you have heard of Ozempic. But in case you haven’t, it’s a drug, originally developed in 2008, that’s meant for the treatment of diabetes. Recently however, it’s become popular for its weight loss properties, which is how I’m guessing most of you know about it.

    And by popular, I mean “Oprah, the Queen of Weight Watchers is taking it” popular. In 2022, Medicare spent $5.7 billion dollars on Ozempic and similar drugs, up from $57 million in 2018, according to Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit specializing in health care policy. While my math may not be the sharpest, that’s an absolutely staggering increase in spending in a very short time.

    Which is understandable.

    Weight management is hard. I speak from personal experience as someone who has, for a while, struggled to both lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. I won’t claim to have terrible body image problems, but I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t caused me some degree of stress. From the frustration of trying to find clothes that fit properly off-the-rack, to realizing that those pants from a few years ago don’t fit the way they used to, I really do sympathize.

    And I’m not alone.

    The weight management market was worth $150 billion dollars last year, and is expected to nearly double in size by 2030. Over 75% of that is in dieting. Americans spend, and will continue to spend, a staggering amount of money on trying to lose weight. So the promise of a pill that can help us accomplish this goal that we’re already trying so hard to reach has an understandable allure.

    But there are real questions to ask. And to the media’s credit, many are pointing out that no matter what the drug does, it can’t fix our culture. That no pill can magically make your self-image better. Though that doesn’t mean it won’t help.

    I, however, believe that there’s a more fundamental question that isn’t being asked. One that’s the focus of this episode.

    “Why should we trust pharmaceutical companies at all?”

    I know how that sounds. In the wake of covid, when vaccines became a scorching hot topic that divided the country, even talking about drugs is a fraught conversation. Being pro-pharmaceutical became a sign of political affiliation and social status.

    There was always a tension there though. One that’s present here too.

    Pharma companies are kind’ve terrible.

    Abusing the patent system to increase profits at the expense of patients.

    Paying doctors in the hopes of driving more sales to patients, a practice that’s alive and well with Ozempic by the way.

    Everything involving the opioid crisis. Which may not be all their fault, but last year 112,000 Americans died from fatal overdoses, and their greed and lack of responsibility is partly to blame.

    But even with all that being known, we’re still quick to trust the next “miracle drug.”

    How do we make sense of that? Should we be so trusting? How do we balance the real benefits of these drugs with the extreme harm the companies that make them cause? And should we, on reflection, be more considerate of those who choose not to put their faith in these companies at all?

    I can’t wait to dig in on this one with my guests.

    If you’re ready, let’s begin.

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

Randolph, Rustin and the Black Socialists Movement, and Why It Still Matters Today

In this episode we’re going to expand our worldview of the civil rights era, by focusing not just on Randolph and Rustin, but in particular on the document they helped to produce a few years after the March on Washington called “A Freedom Budget for All Americans.”

Episode S50/261

    This is Smart Politix! I’m your host, Anthony Arnold.

    The date is August 28th, 1963.

    That time of year Washington, D.C. is typically hot and humid. But on this day, it seems fortune, or perhaps a higher power, has chosen to intervene. Because the weather, at least by D.C. standards, is mild and pleasant. A beautiful, cloudless day, where the temperature won’t rise very far above 80 degrees.

    Which is fortunate, because on this day 250,000 people will gather in front of the Lincoln Memorial and listen to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver one of the most famous speeches in world history. One that’s been endlessly dissected and imitated. One whose impact is immeasurable, having succeeded at the equally improbable tasks of not just winning hearts and minds, but at altering policy.

    I am, of course, referring to the “I Have a Dream” speech. It’s an iconic moment in history, so well-defined in our minds that just those four words can draw forth a host of sights and sounds. A great mass of people, standing shoulder-to-shoulder, their attention held at the end of a long day of speeches, by one man.

    But right before Dr. King’s speech starts, we briefly hear another man, one who introduces King as the “moral leader of our nation.” That man, one of the two organizers of the day’s events, was A. Phillip Randolph.

    And he, along with the other primary organizer of that day, Bayard Rustin, are the focus of this episode. But not their biography. If what you’re looking for is information about days and dates, then Wikipedia will suffice.

    Instead, we’re going to talk about their ideas. What were they? How did they fall out of favor? And what impact might this have on the politics of today?

    Because they do matter.

    The Black intellectual tradition has a rich history in America.

    Frederick Douglass. Booker T. Washington. W.E.B. DuBois.

    Ida B Wells. Ella Baker. Angela Davis.

    Cornel West. John McWhorter.

    Kimberle Crenshaw. Nikole Hannah-Jones.

    It’s a tradition that spans centuries, and it’s one that has offered, and continues to offer, insight into all aspects of life.

    But the various thinkers that form the backbone of that tradition haven’t always agreed with one another. From disagreements over approach, to disagreements over what, exactly, black people should be fighting for, the differences between these individuals has always been vast.

    Which isn’t a surprise, right?

    People, even ones who share superficial similarities such as skin color, are unique.

    And yet, this basic fact is so often lost when discussing non-whites.

    Think about the ways in which the “black vote” is discussed. The surprised reaction from people when they look at polls and notice that some black voters might be considering options they haven’t looked at in decades. Their shock is indicative of a populace that has, for far too long, associated blackness with far too narrow of a worldview.

    So in this episode we’re going to expand that worldview just a bit, by focusing not just on Randolph and Rustin, but in particular on the document they helped produce a few years after the March on Washington called “A Freedom Budget for All Americans.” By gaining just a bit of insight into how these two men thought, we can better appreciate the differences in black people today, and start to understand how those differences show up among black voters.

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold, Guest Frank Jameson and Francine Dash

Iran and War

Iran has long provided both money and arms to Hamas, without controlling their actions overtly. This allows them to claim, truthfully, that they aren’t responsible. In the same way that the U.S. claims not to be whenever a group we arm does something we don’t like.

While this may sound ridiculous, it provides just enough political cover to make a direct attack on them unacceptable domestically, and unsupported internationally.

But when a response targets some other group, Iran then casts us and our allies as illegitimate aggressors anyway, highlighting the very real carnage and death that’s happening.

And if we do nothing? Or leave, as we did in Afghanistan?

Episode S49/260

    This is Smart Politix! I’m your host, Anthony Arnold.

    Last year, on the morning of October 8th, the world began grieving.

    Some mourned over the tragedy that struck Israel.

    Some mourned preemptively, suspecting that Israel’s pain would quickly turn into Palestinian suffering.

    And yet others mourned over the latest cycle of violence in a region that’s been plagued by it for longer than most have been alive.

    All three perspectives have proven correct.

    For months, we’ve learned new details about the attack, with each one proving to be more shocking than the last. And as kidnapping victims slowly return home, the slow trickle of information continues.

    Israel’s response has, as feared, proven to be brutal, and shockingly indiscriminate. There have been tens of thousands of Palestinian casualties, and much of the area has been destroyed.

    Which is why the cycle seems all but certain to repeat itself. This kind of violence can never produce peace. It can never lead to solutions and answers. It can only be used as fuel for the next round of atrocities.

    But these perspectives aren’t the only ones.

    Winston Churchill is credited with the quote “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” And while I understand that there’s something cynical and gross about using it in this context, it’s important to recognize that this is exactly how some have seen the unfolding of events over the last 4 months.

    Specifically, it’s how the leaders of Iran view things.

    Iran’s foreign policy goals have, for a very long time, been in direct opposition to ours in a fundamental way. They wish to reduce the degree of influence we and our allies wield, and replace it with their own.

    Whether you think our own specific policy goals are right or wrong is irrelevant. Accomplishing them, no matter how hawkish or dovish they may be, requires power. Iran has long hoped to deprive us of ours.

    Since October 7th they’ve been actively working towards that goal. There have been over 150 attacks on U.S. forces since that date, many of which have been carried out by Iranian backed proxies. These attacks are aimed not at destroying the U.S. military, but at discrediting it. Which is a crucial difference.

    By using proxies, and operating in a murky gray zone, they seek to deny us a legitimate opportunity to respond with overwhelming force. And by continuously harassing U.S. forces, disrupting international trade, and interfering with the functioning of governments across the region, they hope to prove that neither we or our allies are capable of being forces for stability.

    The war between Israel and Hamas is, on a grand scale, this strategy playing out.

    Iran has long provided both money and arms to Hamas, without controlling their actions overtly. This allows them to claim, truthfully, that they aren’t responsible. In the same way that the U.S. claims not to be whenever a group we arm does something we don’t like.

    While this may sound ridiculous, it provides just enough political cover to make a direct attack on them unacceptable domestically, and unsupported internationally.

    But when a response targets some other group, Iran then casts us and our allies as illegitimate aggressors anyway, highlighting the very real carnage and death that’s happening.

    And if we do nothing? Or leave, as we did in Afghanistan?

    They cheer that on too, pointing out our failures and using them as a way to create an opening for themselves.

    If you’ve been paying attention to the news recently, then you know things have heated up in a big way, with U.S. soldiers dying at the hands of Iranian proxies, and the U.S. launching a number of attacks against those same groups in response.

    If this all sounds very, very complicated, then that’s the point.

    American policy in the Middle East has, for decades, been clear as mud. Each scenario is incredibly complicated, and every possible solution likely leads to more questions than answers. But, this show is called Smart Politix for a reason. We’re gonna try to provide a little bit of clarity by asking big questions.

    How should we deal with the “proxy” problem?

    Should we attack Iran head-on?

    Should we leave the region entirely and let the chips fall where they may, no matter the humanitarian cost?

    This is going to be a meaty episode. Which is why I’ve brought a few friends along to help me out.

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold, Guest Frank Jameson and Francine Dash

Should Parents Be Jailed for the Crimes of Their Children?

Jennifer Crumbley, was found guilty of four counts of manslaughter, for her son's crimes. In an effort to secure the maximum punishment possible, the State of Michigan tried Ethan Crumbley as an adult. A designation that would seem to suggest he already bears full responsibility for his actions. And yet, his parents both face the possibility of jail time for those same actions.

Episode S48/259

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

Biden vs. Trump 2.0, How Did We Get Here...Again?

By now, you’ve no doubt seen one of the various polls showing that both the current President, Joe Biden, and the former President, Donald Trump, are lacking in the eyes of the public. So how did we get here? And who should be blamed?

Episode S47/258

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

The American Constitution and the Myths That Made America

We get to discuss who wrote the Constitution and the inspiration behind what's inside.

Episode S46/254

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

What's In a Holiday, Anyway?

Holidays bring people together around something common to them all. So what's common enough for Americans to celebrate Martin Luther King Day or National Lego Day or any other holiday, that's not religious?

Episode S45/252

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

The Old World Order

For the last few decades, the world seemed like a mostly stable place. The odds of conflict between major powers was low. And while there were still lingering questions, it seemed as if the answers to those questions were within our grasp. It was certainly a nice dream, wasn’t it?

Now what?

Episode S44/250

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

The Slow Death of Local News

We apologize for the audio and technical difficulties experienced on this show.

Legacy media is collapsing and local media is dying. Who will tell our local stories — the stories that matter most — if we continue to lose local newspapers?

Episode S43/247

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

"Remember When Smoking Was Cool? ", Part 5 of 5

If I asked you to picture a cigarette smoker in your head, what’s the first image that you imagine? For some of you, it might be something ghastly. Something that speaks to the long-term consequences. For others, it might be of a particular brand you always associate with smoking.

Episode S42/240

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

The Iron Triangle

A bureaucracy is defined as “a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. That’s what the “Iron Triangle” leads to.

Episode S41/238

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

The Country that Laughs Together...

For a growing share of Americans, their laughs are coming from a surprising source: Fox News. More specifically, Greg Gutfield!

Episode S40/236

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

The World's Proxy War in Ukraine Continues

It's no secret that the United States is fully supporting Ukraine against Russia; but does that mean that we are at war with Russia?

Episode S39/234

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

Hollywood and the Labour Movement

This strike is about more than just writers and actors. It’s also a lesson in how technology is changing the landscape of labour in unanticipated ways; and it provides a preview into the kinds of conflicts that may become more common in the future.

Supporting Documentation:

Episode S38/232

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

Trump 2.0

Are there any conclusions to be drawn about the state of our politics, the voters, and/or the Republican party, from Trump’s continued frontrunner status?

Supporting Documentation:

Episode S37/230

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host with Francine Dash

"The Effects of Culture and Technology ", Part 4 of 5

In a post-pandemic culture full of mental awareness, yet rising depression and suicide rates, should the expansion of technology into gaming, allowing people to go to Vegas on their phones, be alarming or just another sign of progress?

Episode S36/228

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

"The House Always Wins", Part 3 of 5

Vicksburg, Mississippi was, in 1835, a haven of debauchery. The allure of easy money, easy land, and riverboat gambling had turned it into a place where people came from far and wide to get rich quick. But on the fourth of July, something snapped.

Episode S35/226

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

"Our Complicated Relationship with Alcohol", Part 2 of 5

Drinking isn’t good for you. That’s one of those statements that seems obvious, and yet, for decades, quite the opposite was thought to be true. If you’ve ever heard that a glass of red wine can be healthy, then you’re one of the many people who’s heard what’s known as “The French Paradox.” An idea first proposed in 1991.

But recent studies have found the science behind that idea to be not so credible, and likely a result of poorly interpreting the data.

And the recent health recommendations go way beyond that. Earlier this year the World Health Organization titled “No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.” None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Not even the temperance movement was so bold as to suggest that “risks start from the first drop.”

Episode S34/224

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

"Let's Talk Baseball", Part 1 of 5

In World War 2 soldiers were given amphetamines, the drugs we use to help treat ADHD, to help them stay alert and awake. We’re talking tens of millions of pills. And after the war, some of those soldiers not only returned home, but they went back to baseball. It’s unimaginable now, but over 500 baseball players served in the military. Players like Jackie Robinson and Ted Williams.

And when those players returned to baseball, they brought their amphetamines, or “greenies”, back with them.

Episode S33/222

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

Politix & Culture
"Mass Effect: Are you an Anderson or Udina?", Part 4 of 4

Hugely popular video game that mimics many of the conflicts found in real life, filled with lessons and opportunities to solve them.

“How do you fix what was previously broken, even if you didn’t break it? This is a big theme of Mass Effect.”

Episode S32/220

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

Politix & Culture
"Steven Universe", Part 3 of 4

Steven Universe tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe who lives with the Crystal Gems—magical, mineral-based aliens — in the fictional town of Beach City. Steven, who is half-Gem, has adventures with his friends and helps the Gems protect the world from their own kind.

“I really like the mature themes of the show, and how the writers take on serious issues without being reactionary. Like redemption, the show tells us that as long as a person is willing to try that they are not beyond redemption,” Nicholas Homberg.

Episode S31/217

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

Politix & Culture
"Hip Hop Music", Part 2 of 4

For many, hip hop educated as much as it entertained, filling the gap between what people thought they knew and the reality of how people were really living. Now, some believe hip hop has been co-opted, becoming another corporate product and a shell of what it used to be. But for others, there's still hope.

“Hip hop is what made me culturally aware of life outside of my world... and I have hope that it will return to being able to make that type of impact, again,” Frank Jamison, IV.

Episode S30/214

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

Politix & Culture
"'Haikyu' Manga Series", Part 1 of 4

Haikyu is a Japanese Shonen manga series about a high school volleyball team, written and illustrated by Haruichi Furudate. Our own Professor X (Alex Krohannon) talks about why this manga is one of the greatest and how it mirrors politics.

“Politics comes from culture; and culture has roots in the stories that we tell,” Professor X.

Episode S29/211

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
R. Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"The Road that Leads to Tyranny", Part 7 of 7

The road that leads to tyranny is paved with peoples desires, their outright yearning, for freedom of self and freedom to make the living they want to make for their families; and they want whoever the hell is in charge to do things that make reaching these timeless goals possible.

“Tyranny has never worked for anyone, but the tyrant.” said Arnold. “I do think the desire to try these things is part of human nature. But we don’t have to be bound by the lesser angels of our nature.”

Episode S28/207

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"Post War Fascism in Italy and the Story of Benito Mussolini, better known as 'Il Duce'", Part 6 of 7

"Early in his life, Mussolini's views sounded almost like the kinds of things you hear in many left wing circles today. He supported worker’s rights, unions, direct action protests, and was willing to stand against the imperialism that he believed was suppressing the common people around the globe. I say almost because Mussolini also possessed a darkness that would land him jail for advocating the use of violence. And it’s this belief in violence that would cause him to break with his socialist allies, and set him down a different path."

Episode S27/203

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"An American Tyrant in Louisiana", Part 5 of 6

It’s the smart ones who pose the greatest threat. [Huey P.] Long was smart enough to work the system, charismatic enough to make people love him, and shrewd enough to get away with the bullying. And because he delivered results, the people kept electing him. He was chosen democratically, twice, and had he not died to an assassin’s bullet in 1935, there’s really no telling where his career might have taken him. Could he have one day been President? I absolutely think it’s possible.

Episode S26/201

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"Was The American Revolution a War on Taxes?", Part 4 of 6

Much has been said about the Revolutionary War and its causes and all of them are pretty much true. But not much has been discussed about how colonists cheated the crown out of taxes owed; and while becoming among the wealthiest colonies used its wealth (back taxes, maybe?) to defeat the British.

Episode S25/197

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"Democracy and Socrates", Part 3 of 6

Before Donald Trump became President, George Washington was, by a mile, the wealthiest President we had ever had. Thomas Jefferson comes just after him, and James Madison is number 6. John Adams, with a 2022 net worth of 25 million, looks like a pauper when compared to the estimate of 700 million for Washington. So the founding class of this country wasn’t just comfortably well-off, they were rich.

Episode S24/192

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"The Athenian Court System", Part 2 of 6

Instead of the small, intimate juries that we have today, ancient Athens had juries that started at 200, and could number in the thousands for exceptional cases. There were also no jury deliberations, like we have today. Instead, jurors would hear the arguments being made, occasionally expressing their approval or disapproval on the spot; and when the arguments concluded, they would immediately vote.

Episode S23/188

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

History of Democracy
"The Pros and Cons of Democracy", Part 1 of 6

One of the first human societies that we consider advanced was ancient Sumeria, in Mesopotamia. We’re talking roughly 6,000 years ago, give or take a few centuries. Democracy, in ancient Greece, didn't emerge until thousands of years later, and it didn't really catch on until a few hundred years ago. Just think about that. For millennia the experience of people choosing their own leaders wasn’t [even] a thing.

Episode S22/183

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"Keep Calm and Vote", Part 7 of 7

Politics is not about who you like. It’s about who can get you what you want. This is the power of a democracy. This is the power of the people.

Episode S21/175

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"(Squandering) The Power of the Vote", Part 6 of 7

We have a lot of democracy. And the reason we have so much of it is because we're meant to be changing the people who are doing those jobs fairly often. If what the founders wanted is a system where officials serve for life, then I imagine they would have built it that way. We could, if we chose to, change every elected official in six years. Every. Single. One. If you’re unhappy with an elected official, you could throw them out. If you don’t like them, you could get rid of them. It really is that simple.

Episode S20/170

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"It's About Power", Part 5 of 7

On the surface, it would appear that these events have virtually nothing in common. What could possibly unite all these causes together? The answer is the most basic force in the world. The desire for power.

Episode S19/166

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"The Violence of the 60s and 70s", Part 4 of 7

When we recall the history of that era, we see the same thing playing out again and again. As a nation, we have buried the tremendous violence that was occuring during those years. And when we do talk about violence, we talk about groups like the Black Panthers, or the Vietnam protestors, without acknowledging the violence they were responding to. Mostly though, we just don’t talk about it all.

Episode S18/162

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"The Women’s Suffrage Movement, the Bisbee Deportation & the American Labor Movement", Part 3 of 7

The violent fight for rights in America is as old as the country itself; and has helped to form our country and some of the rights we enjoy, today. Listen to how American women were beaten in the streets, during a protest and force-fed in jails; and how American miners were deported from Bisbee, Arizona and forbidden from returning to their homes for asking for safe conditions and fair pay.

Episode S17/157

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"The War in Ukraine", Part 2 of 7

"On a historical level, war has been with us from the start. You can go back as far as you wish in history, and you’ll find it. Humankind has a tragic tendency to find reasons for killing one another. But if war is always going to be with us, then that means every generation has an obligation to think about the questions it raises, and seek out answers."

Episode S16/151

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Violence and the Origins of the Modern World
"The Great Revolutions", Part 1 of 7

"You could go a lifetime without hearing anything about the Haitian Revolution. You won’t read about it in many textbooks. There aren't any Hollywood movies and shows about it. A name like Toussaint isn’t recognized like Robespierre or Jefferson. If you didn’t seek out a chance to learn anything about it, then you might not ever know it existed.

And yet, no act of resistance better represents a demand for liberty and equality."

Episode S15/148

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
with Francine Dash.

"How Instability in Afghanistan Works", Part 4 of 4

"For generations, this part of a world has served as a staging ground to destabilize and manage perceived allies and enemies without any regard for the people in the region."

Episode S14/144

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

"The Future", Part 3 of 4

"Already, we’ve seen the gradual reduction in women’s rights, the return of public executions, and the reintroduction of a society based on an extremely strict theological interpretation. None of this is meant as a justification for returning to war. If you listened to episode 2 then you know I fully appreciate how horrific war can be. But, we shouldn’t pretend that whatever gains we made have a good chance of staying in place. The Taliban have a very specific view of how Afghanistan should be run, and they’re the ones in charge now."

Episode S13/141

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

"The War", Part 2 of 4

"According to some estimates, we carried out 13,000 drone strikes in Afghanistan over 20 years. Which breaks down to exactly 650 strikes a year. That means for 20 straight years the United States, on average, struck somewhere every single day. Every day. It didn’t matter who the President was. It didn’t matter who controlled Congress. We rained death and destruction from the safety of a robot down on the people of Afghanistan with far too little regard for their well being."

Episode S12/138

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

"A Center of Influence", Part 1 of 4

"Afghanistan sits at the center of a crossroads. Boxed in from all sides by countries with their own visions. It’s a nation that has rarely been allowed to chart its own course. The geopolitical games that everyone has been playing for decades now have far more influence on the lives of the people in Afghanistan than the Afghan people themselves."

Episode S11/133

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
with Francine Dash, Host of We, the Voters...", Guest

The Supreme Court and The Shadow Docket

"If you’ve been paying attention to the news, then there’s a chance you’ve heard something about this. But maybe you have questions. Hopefully I can help answer those questions by explaining what the Shadow Docket is, where it came from, and what it’s growing importance means for the courts. Because the Supreme Court’s reliance on it has some serious consequences, and our entire Constitutional order could be at stake.

To be clear, the Shadow Docket isn’t a new phenomenon. Historically, the court has always made some decisions outside of the public purview."

Episode S10/129

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
with Francine Dash, host of "We, the Voters..."

Memory Hole

The Insurrection of January 6, 2021, has fallen in between being revised as something else or even being forgotten all together; but who benefits from this memory hole and who will be forced to acknowledge it?

"Deciding what to remember, and what to forget, is one of the most important decisions a country can make. We can only remember so much of the past, and prioritizing one thing means leaving something else behind. But there is a price to pay. By ignoring the moment where our democracy failed, we’re making it much more likely that it will fail again, and we’re risking our future as a result. It doesn’t have to be this way."

Episode S9/122

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
with Leonard Nelson, Homicide Detective, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department

Crime Statistics and The Wire

Crime statistics do not tell the full story of the level and intensity of crime; but affects how crime fighting is funded.

"Right now, you may be thinking, “We could just look at the crime statistics.” That’s what I thought, until I realized that those numbers, in almost every single case, aren’t particularly accurate. From crimes that simply never go reported, to crimes that are miscategorized or lost in administrative red tape, there is a lot more crime occurring than we believe."

Episode S8/118

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

Why We Intervene in Other Countries and Why It Matters

"The main objective of any foreign policy decision is to give America an edge. You may view the Paris climate accords as a way to make the world better. But the people executing foreign policy also see it as a way for America to lead, and thus burnish our reputation. No serious foreign policy thinker is going to be interested in advancing ideas that don’t serve our needs first.

At its best, military intervention can inspire. It can generate a sense of healthy pride in people. Not the irrational nationalism that can lead to a feeling of superiority, but the kind of pride that causes citizens to believe the country is capable of great things.[But] ...it’s hard to feel pride for something that nobody can explain to us."

Episode S7/112

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

The Real Power Players in Washington

The real power brokers in Washington often do not occupy the White House. Listen in as the power structure is broken down from the dismantling of Obamacare to the fight over minimum wage.

"So if we were in a world without the filibuster, here are the four Senators I think matter most: Joe Manchin from West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona, Angus King from Maine and Susan Collins, also from Maine. Two Democrats, one Independent, and one Republican."

Episode S6/105

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

The Power of a Promise

The events of the last two months have been unprecedented. Across the country millions of Americans are watching the news, and they’re asking two questions: How did we get here? And where do we go?

"Twenty years ago we had a pretty contentious election. Bush vs Gore was hotly contested, with the two candidates ending up separated by fewer than 600,000 votes, or .5 percent. And the fate of the election ended up coming down to the electoral votes from Florida, where the two candidates were separated by only 600 votes. Of course this was controversial because the state was governed by Jeb Bush, the brother of George Bush."

Episode S5/100

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
Francine Dash, Guest Narrator

The Help We Need ‐ Now

Pandemic relief has been slow to arrive, while many households seek alternatives to making ends meet and staying healthy, until they are able to receive the vaccine.

"In the background thousands of Americans have been dying and millions of Americans have been begging for assistance and praying that somebody somewhere will listen to their cries and take their l ives seriously. What I want is what most of us wants ‐ to be safe and secure, to be to able to look forward to the day when this is behind us ‐ and we can get back to living, again. But right now, we need help."

Episode S4/96

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
Francine Dash, Guest Narrator

My Shrinking American Dream and Why I Still Vote

"Your kids are older now, so they need more. And college isn’t too far off for them, so you’re beginning to believe that they’ll end up in the same boat as you since you haven’t been able to put anything aside to help. But it’s not just money. Your dreams have shrunk too. You really aren’t sure what exactly you’re voting for anymore, but you’re going to vote anyway. If not out of excitement, then at least out of duty."

Episode S3/88

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host

How to create a shadow government and how a two term president can become President of the United States for life.

"If you can’t imagine voting for the other side, then it means that your side is free to do whatever they wish. It means that the door to corruption, abuse, and yes, even tyranny, is cracked open because you don’t really have a choice — and without a choice, anything can happen."

Episode S2/82

Smart Politix ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Anthony Arnold, Host
Francine Dash, Guest Narrator

This premiere episode tells the story of a person in rural America dealing with the challenges of finding healthcare and also voting for someone who supports the things they believe in.

"Of all the gaps between urban and rural America, the gap in basic understanding may be the largest. People who live in rural America believe that those in the cities don’t understand them. And those of us in cities believe rural Americans don’t understand us."

Episode S1/78