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Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde

"Mud for Chocolate", Part 2 of 2

You tell your public servant that you want chocolate pie. He makes you a mud pie and tells you it’s chocolate. You believe him and eat it. You eat it so much, you begin to believe that chocolate is mud.

At his core, Trump’s an opportunist and a performer. He tells people what they want to hear, so that he gets what he wants. It’s more important than ever for you to decide what you believe so that no politician gives you mud for chocolate.

Episode S120/274

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde

"The Wildcard", Part 1 of 2

Introduction to a two-part series. Discover where Trump got his tenacity and why this tenacity may disconnect him from some voters.

Episode S119/273

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash , R. Anthony Arnold and
Taylor Waclawik

"Overworking for What?", Part 3 of 3

The "grind" culture has changed our sense of community and self care. Let's talk about it.

Episode S118/272

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash , R. Anthony Arnold and
Taylor Waclawik

"Do What You Can", Part 2 of 3

We, as a nation, are raised to be a nation of doers. Because of that, we often find ourselves stuck in spaces where we can’t do what we want to do. So, what do you do we you can’t do — nothing? Let’s talk about it.

Episode S117/271

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash , R. Anthony Arnold and
Taylor Waclawik

"Contentious Consumerism", Part 1 of 3

Voting with your money. When and where it makes sense. Let’s talk about it.

Episode S116/270

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with Francine Dash , R. Anthony Arnold and Nick Homberg

AI Love and How We Care for Our Children

Carl's in love with his AI girlfriend. The Dalai Lama asks a boy to suck his tongue; and a doctor calls the Department of Child Protective Services on one of his patient's parents. How far is too far? Let's talk about it.

Episode S115/268

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with Francine Dash , R. Anthony Arnold and Nick Homberg

Do Guns Solve Problems?

Our poll, trends and discussion focuses on how guns have affected different situations; and asks if guns are useful in resolving conflicts.

Episode S114/265

Recap, This Week (Rewind) ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
with Francine Dash , R. Anthony Arnold and Nick Homberg

The Legacy of Desantis

Recorded a year ago, this pod takes us back to Governor Ron Desantis' efforts to become president, but focuses on the long term implications of some of the laws he has signed and the impact those laws may have have on the lives of Floridians today.

Episode S113/263

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash, and Nick Homberg

Spring Festivals: Presidents' Day

Why is this holiday an important one to celebrate? And why do some states celebrate some presidents and not others? Let's talk about it.

Episode R112/257

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash, and Nick Homberg

Spring Festivals: The Origin of Valentine's Day

Originally a weeklong festival, Valentine's Day has its roots in the Rome.

Episode R111/256

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash, and Nick Homberg

Spring Festivals: Chinese New Year

This weeklong festival has its roots in an epic battle between a grieving father and a dragon.

Episode R110/255

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Francine Dash with R. Anthony Arnold, and Nick Homberg

The Organ Market

There are two markets running side by side, the illegal and sometimes legal organ market, where people buy eyes, livers, kidneys and even genitalia; and hospitals who are seeking to fulfill the needs of those waitlisted for organs. Is it possible to have both markets; or does one have to go? Let’s talk about it.

Episode R109/251

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and
Taylor Waclawik

Happy New Year!

New Year’s resolutions, do you do them — yay or nay? Plus, if you’re doing resolutions, be kind to yourself. Set realistic goals. Need some suggestions on how? Let’s talk about it.

Episode R108/249

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and
Taylor Waclawik.

Merry Christmas!

Connecting families far and near as families shrink and memories fade, seeking the perfect gift to capture the magic of the season or nursing a case of the winter blues, whatever your reason, Christmas has become the most celebrated time of the year. Let's talk about why.

Episode R107/248

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg, Francine Dash and
Special Guest, Taylor Waclawik.

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all!

What does Thanksgiving mean to you and how do you like to celebrate? Let's talk about it!

Episode R106/244

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold and
Special Guest, Taylor Waclawik.

So, We Had An Election...

Post election, how's everybody feeling? Let's talk about it!

Episode R105/243

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

Halloween Special: President Bob and the Villains

The best president America has ever known, President Bob, turns out to be an alien from another galaxy, who has been pretending to be human. He now wants the country and world to know his true identity. What would it take for you to continue to support him? Also, is your favorite horror movie villain a liberal or conservative? Let's talk about it!

Episode R104/241

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

The Catharsis of Video Gaming (and other stuff)

When's the last time you played a game or watched a show that changed you or made you feel better? Let's talk about!

Episode R103/239

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash
Special Guest, Taylor Waclawik.

The McConnell Affect

After some pretty public "episodes", has McConnell come to the end of his career? If so, is it because of his age or because of his health? Let's talk about!

Episode R102/237

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold and Francine Dash

Naked Comfort

With great power comes great responsibility. (Thanks, Spider Man.) With the rise of online influencers who can reach millions of people with their platforms do they have a responsibility to care for the public? And how does this affect politics? Let’s talk about it!

Episode R101/235

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Guest Host R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Francine Dash

Context & Nuance

False consensus or consensus bias —you believe that people believe what you believe. But, that might not be the case. Let’s talk about it!

Episode R100/233

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde
Guest Host R. Anthony Arnold, with Nick Homberg and Francine Dash

Single Party/Issue Voting

What's right and wrong with single issue/party voting and how does it affect how our democracy works?

Episode R99/231

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde
R. Anthony Arnold, with Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

Virtue Signaling

What is 'virtue signaling' and what type of affect does does it have on American culture? Let's talk about it!

Episode R98/229

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

The Intersectionality of Politics and Religion

Does the injection of religion into American politics limit or make it harder for our politicians to come to common ground? Let's talk about it!

"The influx of religion into politics has essentially created exclusionary gangs that admire wreaking havoc over democratic representatives seeking sensible compromise."

"When politicians use religion to propogate their message, every politician assumes their position is the 'Jesus position'. The problem is we all think that we represent the 'Jesus position', as we take turns crucifying each other."

Episode R97/227

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

A Real Man

What does the phrase “real man” mean to you? Do you think this phrase is still useful or even appropriate? Let’s talk about it.

Episode R96/225

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

The Culture of Gaming

Is your favorite game causing you to not want to leave your house? And is the business model of gaming causing or encouraging addiction? Let’s talk about it. Also, the impact of VR in gaming and its possible connection to gun violence.

Episode R95/223

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

Spacefaring & Colonizing New Worlds

While the idea of another world war has people on edge, billionaires are exploring the stars for another place to call home. Is this all just conjecture; or is there something going on here? Let’s talk about it. Also, humans as interstellar beings; and a primer on astrobiology.

Episode R94/221

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

Remember the Big White Balloon?

Do we believe that there is a correct or responsible way to respond to alien flying crafts entering our air space? Let’s talk about it. Also, we discuss the facts of what happened day by day until the balloon was shot down and the question of the day.

Episode R93/219

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

The Marvel Universe

This week, we discuss the real politics in the Marvel Universe. Also, this week’s poll: Which MCU character would you most like to be president; and this week’s movie trends around the world. Let’s talk about it.

Article: Fictional Universe, Real Politics ⋮ The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Episode R92/218

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

American Prisons

The modern American criminal justice system includes a prison system that is meant to separate people who do not follow or willfully break societal rules. But where did the concept of prisons come from? Let’s talk about it. Also, we talk trends and our Friday poll.

Article: A History of Why Societies Created Prisons

Episode R91/216

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

What’s the Matter with Men?

So, “What’s the Matter with Men?” (See article below.) We discuss the masculinity crisis in our society. Also, we discuss this week’s poll on when neglect charges should be filed against parents; and our current online trends regarding proposed new laws in the UK that want to limit the right to protest. Let’s talk about it.

Article: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/01/30/whats-the-matter-with-men

Episode R90/215

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

Robot Landlord

iBuyers and other online real estate companies and how they are changing the landscape of buying, selling and renting residential real estate; and could we end up with AI landlords? Also, gas stoves and asthma in children, should there be a national health emergency this risk? Let’s talk about it!

Episode R89/213

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

The Need for Accountability

People can say almost anything in the world of politics, these days, and get away with it. Let’s talk about it. Plus, our discussion on our Friday poll on whether or not Donald Trump should be allowed to run for or hold office; and the incredulous George Santos, R/NY.

‘If you pick victory over principle, corruption is what you’ll get,’ paraphrased, by Professor X (Alex Krohannon)

Episode R88/212

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

One Punch Too Many

We’ve all been punched in the chest by inflation. What is inflation, what causes it and some tips on what you can do about it. Also on tap, climate change is punching through the country; and our Friday poll on disciplining your kids by embarrassing them online -- should you be doing it and does it work?

Episode R87/210

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

Kamala’s Waiting Room

Biden’s Presidential wins was monumental, partially because of his running mate, Kamala Harris. But now, much of the talk about Harris’ role has died down. Let’s talk about why. Also, let’s talk Senator Kyrsten Sinema and the Friday Poll; and Professor X’s take on the trends.

Episode R86/208

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with R. Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and Alexander Krohannon

Resolving to Do Something Good

How’s that New Year’s resolution going — and what about those people who don’t believe in making a resolution, at all? Let’s talk about it! Also, prepare yourself, we’re going in on what a New Year’s resolution should be for these here United States.

“I want to find a sustainable way to lose weight,” says Josh.
“My theme is organization and I just want to be more organized and timely,” says Dr. X.
“My thing is like setting aside more times for the things I love to do, like seeing movies,” says Anthony.
“I don’t need [a New Year’s resolution], I’m perfect,” says Nick, the Homie.

But on a serious note, Recap says, the United States should resolve to end homelessness.
“Why do we care about abortion rates if people can’t feed or shelter themselves?”

Episode R85/206

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash and R. Anthony Arnold

How Redlining Shaped Our Communities

Have you ever wondered why the same grocery store chain looks vastly different in a working class neighborhood than in a wealthier neighborhood; or why “food deserts” even exist? Redlining determines where our grocery stores can be located; and for those who might be wondering, this type of redlining is not illegal. Our discussion reveals the continued impact of redlining and the ignoring of needs in certain communities. Also, we discuss the relevance of the British monarchy and why Megan and Harry probably should have stayed in the UK to help drive change from within.

Additional Sources
Redlining’s Legacy: Food Deserts, Insecurity, and Health
Redlining, racism and food access in US urban cores

Episode R84/204

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash, Alexander Krohannon, and R. Anthony Arnold

How Politics Affects Human Connections

Finding a real human connection is hard. Finding a relationship is even harder. Many people have taken this search online. But, some are struggling to find out how to parse through differences, including political differences, on a search for authenticity.

Also, the specialness of GameStop and the trends it has inspired; and the weekly poll about a stay-at-home husband, dad and gamer, who is sued by his wife because she feels he’s not paying his fair share of the family's expenses.

Episode R83/202

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash, Alexander Krohannon, Sasha Estrella-Jones, and R. Anthony Arnold

Twitter Love and the Baby Makers

A review of the Twitter/Musk journey and where we are today and do sperm banks encourage people to shop for the features and abilities they want to see in their children -- and is that a bad thing?

Episode R82/198

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Francine Dash, Alexander Krohannon, and R. Anthony Arnold

How Old is Too Old and The Hate We Give

Best age range or age limit for the country’s highest office, laws that manage how algorithms work on social media and where they lead us; and why social media keeps giving space to inflammatory speech.

Episode R81/196

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Guest Host Francine Dash, with Alexander Krohannon, Nick Homberg, R. Anthony Arnold, and Brandon Clark

A Fresh Start

Is the U.S. Presidency too hard for older people? Should the people of California sue Elon Musk over the hyperloop? How does the construct of gender and the construct of race intersect with politics. Rising violence towards transwomen; and a personal note on why some pro-lifers are pro-choice.

Episode R80/193

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Guest Host Alexander Krohannon with Nick Homberg, R. Anthony Arnold , Francine Dash and Brandon Clark

Unions and a Place to Call Home

‘Every Citizen Has A Home’, proposed legislation that proactively eliminates economic-based homelessness, the expansion of unions and the art of malicious compliance.

Episode R79/189

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Guest Host Nick Homberg with Alexander Krohannon, R. Anthony Arnold , Francine Dash and Brandon Clark

Righting Wrongs

Hope seeks justice after her ex-husband kills himself and their children. Hope warned that her ex-husband said he would do this, but no one listened. The American Chemical Society says that PFAS may be making everything from mascara to rainwater dangerous; and Alex Jones, American conservative and host of InfoWars, has found himself between the hard truth and the definition of a lie.

Episode R78/186

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Guest Host R. Anthony Arnold with Alexander Krohannon, Nick Homberg, Francine Dash and Brandon Clark

Watching the Polls

A concern over a weakening democracy has our team wondering if our tolerance for political violence will lead to actual violence at the polls -- and if so, how we should respond.

Episode R77/185

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

This week, we cover the University of Pennsylvania’s tenured law professor, Amy Wax, and her comments on race, specifically Asian immigration, the spreading and disruption of unions; and how all of this impacts us.

Episode R76/184

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

Rising Costs and the Killing Fields of America

Guns are the number one killer of children in the United States. Inflation, the increase in the price of all things, is at a 40 year high; and the Federal Reserve, a private company, says rising wages are a part of the inflation problem.

Episode R75/181

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

From Gun Control to Gaming and the Costs of Winning Both

The gun discussion and the state of the 5 million member NRA, and the world and cost of modern gaming i.e. Diablo Immortal, recently acquired by Microsoft.

Episode R74/174

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

Depp v. Heard v. Depp — and Awake, Not Woke v. Stay Woke — What It All Means, Now

This week's recap covers Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, and the complexities of domestic violence; and Why #StayWoke and #AwakeNotWoke may both miss the mark.

Episode R73/173

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

Supporting Our Transkids — and the Origins of Monkeypox

Monkey pox is first discovered in 1958, according to the CDC. Also, at what age you should allow your young child to transition to another gender -- if at all.

Episode R72/172

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

The Death of Stare Decisis (stâr′ē dĭ-sī′sĭs)

A legal doctrine that allows precedent to be a guiding force in judging future cases has been put aside, it seems, by the Supreme Court, in their most recent rulings. For some, the foundation of our legal system may be irreparably changed, but others argue that stare decisis has never been a guiding star. So, where do we go from here?

Episode R71/171

Recap, This Week - Special ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Alexander Krohannon with Anthony Arnold, Nick Homberg and guest, Steven Knipp.

Intergalactic Law versus International Law

Thor, Love and Thunder. Was this Christian Bale’s best performance and Marvel’s best movie? Soon-to-be-Dr. Xander (6 out of 10), Anthony, the GOAT (4 out of 10), and Nick - that’s my name - Homberg (5 out of 10), along with their special guest, Steven (One Piece, forever!), take on the latest Marvel flick. Warning, there are spoilers. Also, we are not clear on our drug laws in the U.S. and people are still arrested for possession, so why are we really upset about Brittney Griner being arrested for a drug crime in Russia? Or Paul Whelan?

Episode R70/169

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

Mass Shooting Fatigue

Mass shootings happen on average 10 times a week, in the United States; and has happened at least once in all of the contiguous 48 states. Possibly the result of a loneliness culture, small town police groups struggle to remain fit and equipped enough to address root causes and ensuing violence. Are federally-funded small town SWATs the answers?

Episode R69/168

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

The Self-Determination of States

If the global nation-state of California decides to separate from the United States taking all of their resources with them, the same California responsible for our tech industry and the producer of most of our fruits and nuts; and our cultural center for the entertainment industry, not to mention being 1/5th of our nation’s GDP, what type of impact would it have on the rest of us?

Episode R68/167

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

When Rules and Laws Don't Work

The Smith - Rock Exchange has Smith banned from attending the Oscars, even virtually, for 10 years. What affect will that really have? Are people being pronounced dead before they are truly and completely dead? A woman who "came back from death" wants legal protection around the process and definition of death.

Episode R67/165

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Nick Homberg.

The Othering of Mental Illness

If President Trump goes to jail, does he get a Secret Service detail in jail, as a former president? Some say that there are forms of mental illness dangerous enough to cause people to pursue mass killings; but is this the case everytime? Plus, politics in prime time.

Episode R66/164

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

The Golden Throne and the State of the BLM Movement

The Golden Throne of Warhammer 40K becomes reality during COVID; and the sell-out culture and lack of leadership in the BLM movement may have stolen the the opportunity for change.

Episode R65/163

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

Using Marijuana and Alcohol as Voting Incentives, and Resuming Trade with a Putin State

Should marijuana or alcohol be given out as an incentive to vote, at the polls; is it fair to be fired because of a text message; and can we ever resume normal trade with Russia, as long as Vladimir Putin is in power?

Episode R64/161

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

When Murder Becomes a Hate Crime

4Chan may be the “sewer of the internet”. Matthew Shepard’s murder may have been a lynching. Laws should not reflect social values, or should they; and what constitutes a hate crime, anyway?

Episode R63/160

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

Is Gentrification Progress?

In communities around the country, there is an ongoing battle between individual and corporate residential home ownership. One offers immediate investment that may revitalize a neighborhood AND the ability to pay higher tax dollars. The other offers a remnant of the American Dream, a home, a family and a job to support it all. Now, with more people renting more than before, is homeownership becoming a thing of the past?

Episode R62/158

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

How We Treat Our Service Workers and the Lack of Covid Testing

Perhaps we should seek ways to elevate service work to other levels of work. We wouldn't dare go in on our accountant and our lawyers, the way we do with our local grocery store clerk, even though they, too, provide a service. And what about those COVID numbers? Giving in to the fact that COVID may be here to stay, testing and recording cases and deaths may impact the way the rest of us live.

Episode R61/156

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

The Second Cold War

Senator Mitt Romney said that "Russia is the greatest threat of our time". Was he right? Was it a failing of President Obama when he refused to respond to Russia after they took Crimea? Have you ever wondered how all of this conflict in Ukraine actually started? This Recap covers the annexation of Crimea, and what that really means, to the current situation and where Ukraine, if it survives, may go from here.

Episode R60/154

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

How the Justice System Should Handle the Root Causes of Crime

From prosecuting crimes in the Metaverse to the overuse of plea deals, the justice system is under review.

Episode R59/153

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

From Truckers to Starbucks, What the People Want From Unions

From alleged union busting at Starbucks to the message that the truckers protesting in Canada and the U.S. really want to send, the Recap crew share why both of these situations are not exactly as they seem — and why you should give them a second look.

Episode R58/152

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

Black History Month Comes to an End, and the Promises Presidents Make

To have one month to acknowledge the history of the oldest people in the world seems sparse, but there was a reason for that. Also, should president's make promises the way Biden did, when he promised to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme court?

Episode R57/149

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

What if?

What if President Trump were still in office, and January 6th never happened? Would he be doing a better job navigating the pandemic and other issues we are currently facing; or would we be in the same place we are today? Join the Recap team as they discuss areas where President Biden has struggled and how President Trump may have performed during this historic era.

Episode R56/147

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

Can Virtual Learning Work?

Anthony and Alex, both married to educators, debate the value of virtual learning, and argue the merits of how to get their voices heard by the people who make the decisions that affect their families.

Episode R55/145

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

After-Christmas Christmas Special

It's after Christmas, and the dust has settled. Now you have a very important decision to make. Do you re-gift the gifts you don't want or like? Have you ever taken a gift you received from your ex and gave it to your current partner? Find out which person on this pod did just that.

Episode R54/143

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Francine Dash.

Bystander Laws versus Building Community

This week, we discuss whether or not bystander laws that punish people for witnessing rape, murder or any crime and not doing anything about it should be a thing; or if by building community ties we can teach people how to care about each other and remove the need for such laws. "We have lost of sense of community."

Episode R53/142

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Guest Host Francine Dash with Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

Christmas Recap, This Year In Review

This week, we look back at the trends, polls and news that have impacted us and we project where we might land in the coming year.

Episode R52/140

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hyde with Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Francine Dash.

Inflation and the Abortion Debate

This week, we talk inflation and where it came from, we discuss why "pro-life" and "pro-choice" no longer fit the abortion debate and how abortion laws might shape up around the country.

Episode R51/139

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Francine Dash.

The Rebirth of Vigilantism and It's Affect the American Justice System

This week, we cover news trends, our weekly social media poll and the effects of the law that allowed Kyle Rittenhouse to walk free.

Episode R50/137

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon, Sasha Estrella-Jones and Francine Dash.

Who Should be Punished? Part 2

This week, we continue our discussion on how schools should respond to kids fighting over a racially charged video that went viral.

Episode R49/136

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon, Sasha Estrella-Jones and Francine Dash.

Strike-tober, and Who Should be Punished? Part 1

This week we discuss the growing number of strikes across various industries all across the country and we begin our discussion on how we want our schools to respond to kids fighting over a racially charged video that went viral.

"Are we asking schools to monitor the online activity of our kids? Do we really want schools to be in that space?"

Episode R48/135

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Co-hosts Sasha Estrella-Jones and Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Francine Dash.

What Gender Equity Means to Men, Part 2

This episode of Recap brings the Pointcast team together to have an honest and heated discussion around women, equity and why men need to have this discussion among themselves.

"Men are not capable of having this discussion, it’s just not possible. And there is a certain type of toxic masculinity that is directly attributed to men of color. Therefore, it can’t happen. The Texas (abortion law) is proof of this."

"False! You can’t tell me that men are not capable of having discussions that make society better and that only women or oppressed people in general are the only ones who can fight this fight."

Episode R47/134

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Alexander Krohannonwith Anthony Arnold, and Francine Dash.

Birth Control & Testicle Spas, Sex Myths (and COVID)

"Men need better options and we all need better education."

Episode R46/132

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Host Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Francine Dash.

Taking the School Board Mask Debate to Church

"The church used to participate in settling community disputes. What do you think deacons used to do? The church provided neutral ground and a bond that called people to a common moral code and reminded them that resolution of conflict is the goal. That's what's missing. That's what we need."

Episode R45/130

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Co-hosts Sasha Estrella-Jones and Joshua Hydewith Anthony Arnold, Alexander Krohannon and Francine Dash.

What Gender Equity Means to Men, Part 1

"Men are not going to want to live in a society when like 50% of the population is denied rights. Like, I don't know if they have fully thought this through. But, if women are not doing well, then men are not going to do well either."

Episode R44/128

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Sasha Estrella-Jones, Guest Host with Kerry Taft, MS Physiology, Anna Neawedde (News Trends) & Francine Dash (Weekly Poll), Guests

Life After Cuomo, Landlords' Rights and the Mexican Offense

This week, we share our weekly poll feedback and the news trends, including where we go from Cuomo, supporting landlords who haven't been paid and the lawsuit the government of Mexico has launched against U.S. gunmakers in a Boston court.

"If Mexico is so concerned about guns going across the border, I know this is going to sound bad, but build your own wall," Kerry Taft

Episode R43/125

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Sasha Estrella-Jones, Guest Host with Dr. Tracy Harris, Anna Neawedde (News Trends) & Francine Dash (Weekly Poll), Guests

Culture Wars, Politics and Power

This week, we share our weekly poll feedback and the news trends, including a story of a man facing up to 40 years for voting in Texas. Then the roundtable discusses Indiana AG Rokita's proposal to remove all talks about race from K-12 schools and the proposed change to the South African constitution that would allow the women of South Africa to marry more than one husband -- and why this might be a good idea.

Episode R42/120

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Francine Dash, Guest Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Guests

The Changing Republican Party, Peace in the Middle East and MOVE 1985

This week, we take a look at our weekly poll, the current news trends, including what’s happening in Israel, the changing Republican Party and whether or not the recent news regarding the MOVE bombing in 1985 will have an impact on the fragile relationship between racial equity activists and the government.

Episode R41/114

Recap, This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Guests

Is the Anti-Racism Campaign in Corporate America Going Too Far?

This week's review covers the Friday poll about anti-racism training in some companies; an update on COVID numbers, including the new vaccine numbers; and why it is or isn't good when White people lead the discussion about racism in corporate America.

Episode R40/107

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Guests

The Truth About Texas, Cloning and...COVID Registration?

This week's review covers the Friday poll about teachers returning to school; an update on COVID numbers, including if it's a good idea to carry proof that you've taken the vaccine; the cloning of extinct animals; and a discussion about how renewable energy is used in Texas.

Episode R39/104

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon Sasha Estrella-Jones, Writer, and Francine Dash, President of Pointcast, Guests

The Other Side of Game Stop

This week"s review covers the Friday poll about a Proud Boy and FBI informant, the latest COVID trends along with a discussion about how the Game Stop trading shifted the trading field and a play-by-play of how everything went down.

Episode R38/101

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon Francine Dash, President of Pointcast, Guest

When Normal Isn't Normal Anymore

This week's review covers the recent poll about the inauguration, latest COVID trends along with a discussion of recent events at the capitol and why this may be our new normal.

"On our Friday poll everybody said 'no' to cancelling the inauguration; but what would have to happen for people to say 'yes'?"

Episode R37/99

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Mandating Change and the One Who Wins

This week's review covers fears Pastor "John" (Friday Poll) has around mandating the vaccine and what that actually means, martial law to turnover the election, the preventable death of a prison inmate, Lamar Catchings, who was ignored by health officials and recent COVID-19 numbers.

"For political reasons, we are putting people in a bind, when we are telling people to risk death; or lose your house, lose everything and then possibly die. Those are the options."

Episode R36/95

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Alex Krohannon, Francine Dash & Sasha Estrella-Jones, Roundtable Guests

Learn how to navigate difficult conversations in 2021

Turning over a new leaf for the new year may mean learning how to have difficult conversations in constructive ways. Listen in as 8 steps for conversation success are shared.

"Make sure you understand the purpose of the conversation you are having ... and know that it's okay if there is not full agreement."

Episode R35/94

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Mask Up!

This week's review asks why White and other non Black allies support BLM, how American COVID infections are outpacing anything else the U.S. has experienced, including 9/11; and how CRISPR may cure once incurable diseases.

Episode R34/93

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Alex Krohannon & Francine Dash, Roundtable Guests

What if

Part of an on-going series, this episode of "What If..." discusses what life might be like in America if there were no political parties, versus having more than the two prominent parties we have. Would like be better for voters? Would voting be easier? Would the electoral college change; or be done away with altogether? Would politics turn into a rich man's game; or would everyone be on equal footing? Take a listen, and you decide.

Episode R33/92

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Leave Room for Jesus

This week's review looks at the Open Skies Treaty; and Analyst, Alex Krohannon, shares what its like to have COVID-19 and how his family is adjusting, this Thanksgiving.

"Lockdown isn't necessary. We don't have to do this. You listeners most of you are doing great. But, if you can convince other people to wear masks in public and a 'leave room for Jesus' in between each of you, we can beat this. We can do better."

Episode R32/91

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Alex Krohannon, Francine Dash & Sasha Estrella-Jones, Roundtable Guests

The Chosen

While the victory of the election is still being contested, it's already being made clear that voters expect to see a difference between a Biden administration and the last one.

"Biden, you have one term and I'll see if I give you my vote for another. And I hope you and Kamala don't forget about the people who put you over the top."

Episode R31/90

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

The election is finally over! Got Biden, now what?

"Mitch McConnell wants to get back to playing grave digger. Just saying 'no' all the time. So, there's that. COVID has taken a back seat to the election and the numbers show it — people have just stopped caring about it. So to that, I say, people, wear a mask, come on!"

Episode R30/89

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Alex Krohannon, Francine Dash & Sasha Estrella-Jones, Roundtable Guests

Is Politics Taking Over Your Life?

Does politics touch every aspect of your life; and are our two major parties acting like leaders or gang members?

"It's like the crips and the bloods are running the country and we are feeling it."

Episode R29/87

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Who Get's First?

Who should get the COVID vaccine first, who’s really dying from COVID and is it a good idea for Sean 'Diddy' Combs to start a "Black Political Party"?

"It's not a good idea to form a political party solely based on race."

Episode R28/86

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Alex Krohannon, Francine Dash & Sasha Estrella-Jones, Roundtable Guests

Creating a Better America

How would you fix America; or do you think it's just fine the way that it is? Guests discuss headline topics and propose solutions, if one can be found, for large scale political and social issues facing us today.

Episode R27/84

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

COVID and the Campaign, Amazon's Covid Infected Employees and the Legend of Bras Coupe and the American Slave Patrol.

"Look at all the people who have been confirmed to have contracted COVID -- and people who even go past the White House ‐‐ the President of Notre Dame, for instance. But with all of this, the White House's [safety] protocol still has not changed. I was really surprised by that."

Episode R26/83

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

What if President Trump is actually the best thing that has happened to America?

"President Trump is one of the best things that has happened to modern America. I think he’s set a new standard for leadership. There are a lot more people who will care about how a president conducts himself inside and out of office, from now on."

Episode R25/81

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

What if the 9/11 terrorists were not successful in their efforts to crash planes into the Pentagon or the Twin Towers, would we still be where we are today?

"It might have taken longer, but because or our 'oil lust', Rumsfeld and Cheney would have figured out a way to get us into the middle east, if for no other reason, than to finish the work [Senior President Bush] began."

Episode R24/79

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

This roundtable discusses voter suppression, options to stop it and how pervasive it is throughout the country.

Episode R23/77

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde (Host), Anthony Arnold (Writer) and Alexander Krohannon, Trends Analyst.

Picking off post offices to limit voting, identifying new hate symbols and living amidst a backdrop of death.

Episode R22/76

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde (Host), Anthony Arnold (Writer) and Alexander Krohannon, Trends Analyst.

Should Biden pick a Black woman to be his running mate; or should he just pick someone based on their ability to get things done? Mixed responses from the team yield interesting results. This along with other political news.

Episode R21/74

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde (Host), Anthony Arnold (Writer) and Alexander Krohannon, Trends Analyst.

The lingering influence of slavery, the federal response to protesters in Portland Oregon and the real definition of fascism.

Episode R20/72

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

This roundtable focuses on systemic change via the"Change America Plan"and insight on why learning how to challenge views without needing to change them helps to lead to change.

Episode R19/71

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde (Host), Anthony Arnold (Writer) and Alexander Krohannon, Trends Analyst.

Bridging the gap of understanding over the confederate flag, why facts generally don't change minds and how the U.S. is becoming the leader of a global pandemic.

Episode R18/69

Recap This Week ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host with Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde (Host), Anthony Arnold (Writer) and Alexander Krohannon, Trends Analyst.

Panelists discuss faith in a peaceful future; performative justice versus the Kaepernick movement; what police reform should look like and if protestors will be able to hang in there long enough to see lasting changes.

Episode R17/67

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Talk about the pros and cons of protestors bringing guns to protests as a means to change how they are received and if it helps to further their message.

Episode R16/66

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

This month, Josh, Alex and Anthony cover everything from marrying outside of your political party, rating the quality of the shutdown and the national response and why they think some in national leadership are pushing for the country to re-open faster.

Episode R15/63

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Guest

Two Americas, the Challenges of the Working Poor

"It's really bizarre, though, that we are now dependent on 19 year old kids working at Target to be a pillar of our economy by going to work in a viral zone. But they are! They really are essential. But later, essential workers should think about unionizing and demand more, like paid leave, pay raises -- pay people like they are essential. People have fallen under the illusion that they are working themselves up a ladder, but then find out [during times like this] that there is no ladder." Anthony Arnold

Episode R14/60

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

"There's nothing they could have done to stop the fall out. Even if they had handled the pandemic better, we would still be feeling this. They're going to be largely responsible for the recovery, though." Anthony Arnold

"A pandemic is like a natural event. That being said, what you do before a pandemic arises, you are responsible for." Alex Krohannon

"I just want to know what does toilet paper have to do with this?" Josh Hyde

Episode R13/59

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Guest

The American Primary System

"If I were to change the system, I would shorten the process which should in turn should reduce the cost; and I think it would help voters be less exhausted by the process." Anthony Arnold

Episode R12/57

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

"At the end of the day you have to be present. You have to vote." Josh Hyde.

"I have to believe that Bernie can still win this, even though he's really struggling. But literally, non of the polling matters if young people show up to vote," Alex Krohannon


"I think Biden's going to pull it out," Anthony Arnold


Episode R11/56

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

"Originally, my horse was on Warren. But Biden has kind of come out of nowhere," Josh Hyde.

"South Carolina was a foregone conclusion for Biden, but Bernie was close. I'm a Sanders supporter, if that's not apparent," Alex Krohannon


"Biden only came out of nowhere if we were ignoring predictable results. Polls consistently ignore the black vote," Anthony Arnold


Episode R10/55

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Bethany Johnson, College Student, Guest

Responding to COVID-19

"Responses from governments have been slow and confusing. So, the fear of not knowing much about this virus has probably become just as great as the impact of the virus itself. Additionally, some people are blaming Asians. France even put up a headline of 'yellow fever' on one of their magazines. They apologized for it, but its just an example of people not focusing on the actual problem. Racializing or politicizing COVID-19 does nothing to stop the virus; and that's what our focus should be on ‐‐ stopping this virus. We also have to recognize that not everyone can stay home from work. We are going to have to engage people on some level. But let's try to be responsible by washing our hands, phones and even light switches; and limiting contact with others if we feel ill."

Episode R9/54

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Guest

Why Saudi Arabia Hacked Jeff Bezos

"What if I'm wrong? What if they are right? Asking myself these questions helps me to see things from other people's perspective. This is what foreign interference does not want Americans to do. What people need to realize is what we saw in our last election with Russian interference was just a warm up, where people were trying to see where the cracks are and what areas they can they exploit, with the goal of confusion -- to make Americans distrust each other and believe that nothing is true at all."

Episode R8/52

Recap, This Week ⋮ Should Politicians Stump in Churches? Arwilda Allen, Real Estate Developer, Guest

Real estate developer talks about grassroots politics in her hometown of Jeffersonville, Indiana and how the Black vote was compromised.

"Churches do not pay taxes on the money that they raise in the church. So basically what that means [to me] is church and state should be separate. I'm not in favor of [politics in the church]. I think that churches should teach congregations about politics, not about being a republican or democrat, but about politics itself. But this whole thing about politicians in the church is about money and power, so I don't think it will end."

Episode R7/51

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Francine Dash & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap, This Week | Roundtable discusses this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold, Francine Dash and Alexander Krohannon.

"Do you agree with how President Trump responded to his acquittal?" Josh Hyde

"Trump doesn't really know exactly how divisive impeachment was and the need to heal the rift that was caused."Anthony Arnold

"Impeachment is a serious undertaking. For someone to think that something I did was that wrong is a reason to pause." Frank Jameson IV

"Trump is responding the way us everyday people would respond if we felt attacked. The issue though is Trump is not everyday people. He's the PODUS. He has the power to help heal our country." Francine Dash

Episode R6/50

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Guest

How the NRA Defeated Washington

"Each identity that the NRA absorbs gives them more power. That’s how they move from local politics to national politics. Because in addition to granting them power, these identities also grant them protection. Attacking the NRA is much more difficult when that also means tackling the police, as an example. Or when it means telling an individual supporter, who may have multiple identities tied to the NRA, that this organization which means so much to them is bad."

Episode R5/49

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold, Francine Dash & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Our round table comes together to discuss how to move black history from a separate function to a whole and integrated part of American history.

"My biggest issue is that there is so much not talked to about in the context of just this one month," Josh Hyde.

"A part of truly teaching black history is being prepared to destroy the American narrative as we know it," Anthony Arnold.

"I don't think the truth of black history will destroy the narrative but it will change it," Alex Krohannan.

"We need to trust the truth and embrace our history as it is instead of trying to bend it to appease our fears," Francine Dash.

Episode R4/48

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap, This Week | Roundtable discusses this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

"Some people think we are on the verge of starting World War 3," Josh Hyde.

"Well that seems highly unlikely. Maybe Persian Gulf 2. Persian Gulf 3. The Crusades, chapter nine, perhaps," Alex Krohannan.

"We're just going to have the same thing we've had half of my life. More people going over to fight an endless war and nobody coming home," Anthony Arnold.

Episode R3/47

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap, This Week | Roundtable discusses this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

"Our oldest has autism so we have quite a bit of interaction with heath care providers. We've gone around, and around, and around. It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul, jumping from wait list to wait-list," regarding healthcare, Anthony Arnold.

"I'm a passivist. So, no, I don't own guns...but I agree with people having the right to own them," regarding gun ownership, Alex Krohannon.

"One of the most recent things I learned about is that there is a new resistant strain of HIV, which I didn't think was possible," host, Joshua Hyde.

Episode R2/41

Recap, This Week | Roundtable ⋮ A Pointcast Podcast
Joshua Hyde, Host Anthony Arnold & Alex Krohannon, Roundtable Guests

Recap, This Week | Roundtable discusses this week's political news with Josh Hyde, Anthony Arnold and Alexander Krohannon.

"I don't have a fear of losing my right to bear arms, but we do have to find some sort of space where we can make a true impact on reducing gun violence. We have to change our minds about how we see guns versus the preservation of human life. Again, I don't want the right to bear arms to go away, but I don't want to continue as we are with a rising death rate due to people choosing a gun to solve a problem. Sometimes, we can unknowingly create a context for bad things to happen. I think that we have done that with guns. Now, it's time we take responsibility for this."

Episode R1/38